Residential and commercial building Feldbergstrasse - Basel
Feldbergstrasse 4+6
Basel, Schweiz
Other Information
General rooms such as building services center can be made for groups a visit, the apartments can not be visited. Registration at EcoRenova AG

Klimazone Cfb
Höhe über dem Meer 255 m ü.d.M.
Heizgradtage 179
Kühlgradtage 0
Stufe der Unterschutzstellung:
"Schonzone" of Basel-Stadt, with aesthetic requirements
Letzte Sanierung:
Vorhergehende Sanierungen:
zusätzliche Nutzung:
Permanently occupied
Anzahl der Bewohner/Nutzer:
Tenement (apartments)
Anzahl der Stockwerke:
Keller ja/nein:
Anzahl der beheizten Stockwerke:
Bruttogeschossfläche [m²]:
Thermische Gebäudehülle [m²]:
Volumen [m³]:
NGF Berechnungsmethode:
SIA 416
Plaster (on insulation)
Plastered (on hard)
Pitched roof

Ziel der Sanierung
Flumroc AG
post office box, 8890 Flums
Tel.+41 81 734 11 11
Viridén + Partner AG
Zweierstrasse 35, 8004 Zürich
Tel.+41 43 456 80 80
Zurfluh Lottenbach
Hertensteinstrasse 44, 6004 Luzern,
Tel.+41 41 367 00 60
Viridén + Partner AG
Zweierstrasse 35, 8004 Zürich
Tel.+41 43 456 80 80
Zurfluh Lottenbach
Hertensteinstrasse 44, 6004 Luzern,
Tel.+41 41 367 00 60
energiebüro AG
Hafnerstrasse 60, 8005 Zürich
Tel.+41 43 444 69 10
Arena, Arbeitsgemeinschaft Energie-Alternativen,
Schaffhauserstrasse 34, 8006 Zürich
Tel.+41 44 362 91 83
Hygrothermische Bewertung No
Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) Yes
Anderes Calculation of "2000 Watt" and CO2 balancing
Massive wall
Tha facade has been formally changed. Description in the lower section regarding historic value.
All the intervention has been discussed with the "City Picture Commission". Description in the sections regarding historic value. In the "Schonzone" of Basel-Stadt, with aesthetic requirements, the protection constraints are not particularly restrictive.
400 mm
25 mm
400 mm
10 mm
The facade on the street has been formally changed (cfr. Wall). Although the windows have been substituted, the dimension of them hasn't been changed, due to the alignment to the neighbour houses. In the shaft the windows are inserted with simple new jambs, avoiding to different formal decoration. Slat blinds have been inserted into the new thermal coating. Windows on the court side have been replaced and changed in size (no heritage protection).
All the intervention has been discussed with the "City Picture Commission".
Fenstertyp Bestand | Casement window |
Verglasungsart Bestand | Double |
Verschattung Bestand | Outer shutter |
Ungefähres Einbaujahr | 1980 |
Neuer Fenstertyp | Casement window |
Verglasungsart des neuen Fensters | Triple |
Verschattung des neuen Fensters | Outer shutter |
Neuer Energiedurchlassgrad g [-] | 0,45 |
Weitere Maßnahmen
Several requirements of the City Picture Commission had to be met. The challenge was to operate a 6-storey residential building with 12 apartments as completely as possible with solar energy in the protected zone of Basel-Stadt. The entire heat energy requirement (hot water, heating, home ventilation and auxiliary energy) is covered exclusively by the solar energy on the roof of the building.
The protection constraints exist only on the street side (north pitch). The south pitch of the roof was completely covered with solar thermal and photovoltaic panels. The north pitch was re-proposed with the dimensions of the previous one, with formal alignments with the neighbour buildings. Two dormers larger than those present in the circumstances have been proposed and accepted by the commission. The roofing of the two dormers was covered with photovoltaic panels.
10 mm
22 mm
160 mm
50 mm
85 mm
50 mm
1 mm
30 mm
15 mm
The wooden beamed ceiling against unheated basement rooms were insulated (cavities filled with insulation plus on the bottom a continuous insulation layer).
No restrictions regarding this element.
15 mm
25 mm
160 mm
20 mm
30 mm
400 mm
20 mm
The total heat energy demand (hot water, heating, ventilation and auxiliary energy) is covered exclusively by the solar energy on the roof of the building.
For the heating system there were no particular protection conditions, except for the laying of panels on the roof.
Heizungssystem nach Sanierung | zusätzliches Heizungssystem nach Sanierung | |
Art der Heizung | Solar thermal panels with storage (tank 40'000 l) with integrated heat-exchanger. | Heat pump |
Brennstoff | Sun | Electricity |
Wärmeverteilung | Radiators | Radiators |
Nennleistung | about 13 kW (34.5 m2 - production 530 kWh/m2a) kW | 14,5 kW |
A centralized ventilation with heat recovery, typical of the Minergie buildings, was added to the building, but a tightness test was not carried out.
The intervention for ventilation was done entirely internally without repercussions on the façade. The air intakes pass in the subsoil of the court.
Aufbau Bestandsdach | Neues Lüftungssystem |
Lüftungstyp | Centralized |
Type flow regime | Overflow |
Wärmerückgewinnung | Ja |
Feuchterückgewinnung | Nein |
Nennleistung | 0,9 kW |
Elektrische Leistung | 0,31 kW |
Regelung | Airfox |
Thermal panels with storage (tank 40'000 l) with integrated heat-exchanger.
For the domestic hot water there were no particular protection conditions, except for the laying of panels on the roof.
Brauchwarmwasserbereitung nach Sanierung | |
Typ | with heating system |
Brauchwasserspeicher | Ja |
Wärmerückgewinnung aus Brauchwasser | Ja |
Solar thermal panels with storage (tank 40'000 l) with integrated heat-exchanger.
Several requirements of the cityscape commission for façade and roof design had to be met. In this case solar panels have been integrated in the south pitch which hasn't any requirements of protection.
Thermal collectors from Ernst Schweizer AG Type: AV 23 light flat collector Total 34.5 m2 integrated in the roof area.
SolarThermal System | |
Type | Flat collector |
Collector area | 34,5 m² |
Elevation angle | 30,0 |
Azimuth | 156,0 |
Overall yearly production | 18200,0 kWh |
Heating_contribuition | 2400,0 kWh |
DHW contribuition | 15810,0 kWh |
Cooling contribuition | 0,0 kWh |
Three different types of modules and integrated models have been used: -Sanyo HIP 195 with integrating System INDACH (Roof and garret south) -Sanyo HIP 245 (Garret north) -Special execution (Window lintel garret south)
Several requirements of the cityscape commission for façade and roof design had to be met. In this case PVpanels have been integrated in the south pitch which hasn't any requirements of protection and on the dormers roofs on the north pitch. This solution has been discussed and accepted by the Commission.
The PV mounting system for in-roof solutions offers the utmost independence in the selection of solar modules with minimum installation effort. The tiles-tightness of the system is achieved by a safe construction solution that drains the rainwater from top to bottom as with conventional tiles.
Photovoltaic System | |
Type | Monocrystaline |
Collector area | 63,7 m² |
Total nominal power | 13,0 kW |
Elevation angle | 30,0 |
Azimuth | 156,0 |
Overall yearly production | 9000,0 kWh |
Heating contribuition | 9000,0 kW |
DHW contribuition | 0,0 kW |
Cooling contribuition | 0,0 kW |
Lighting contribuition | 0,0 kW |
Freiwillige Zertifikate Plus-Wärmeenergiehaus (more than ZEB)
Primärenergie 50 kWh/m2.y
Energieverbrauch vor Sanierung 190 kWh/m2.y
Energieverbrauch nach Sanierung 35 kWh/m2.y
Berechnungsmethode Steady state simulation (e.g. EPC, PHPP)
Energieverbrauch vor Sanierung 210 kWh/m2.y
Energieverbrauch nach Sanierung 50 kWh/m2.y
Type_of_monitoring: Punctual
Description: All energy production and consumption are recorded.
Only adjustable via room thermostats at the radiators.
Installation of a controlled apartment ventilation, where each apartment can be set separately.
Requirement according to SIA 181 - Fulfills the minimum to increased requirements.
Energy costs are CHF 0.00 (All energy for heating and hot water is produced in the building in the balance itself).
5.0 Mio CHF (total)
Amount includes: BKP 1 to 5: demolition, buildings, solar systems, surrounding and additional costs.
Cost of energy related interventions:
CHF 500’000.- (total)
Amount includes: Insulation, plants (Heatpump, PV panels, solar thermal, ventilation)
0 (total)
Annual heating cost
0 (total)
(includes DHW) Ja
Annual electricity cost
145 (per m2)
Lifecycle cost
Maintenance costs per year approx. 28'000.- (PV plant yield approx. CHF 8'000.-).
emissions_at_use_stage_before_intervention: 69 kg/y per m2
emissions_at_use_stage_after_intervention: 8 kg/y per m2
emissions_before_use: NA
Building_Lifetime: 40