St. Franziskus Church - Ebmatingen, Switzerland

Bachtelstrasse 13


Ebmatingen, Schweiz


Daniel Studer-Studer Architekten
Hüttenmattweg 19, 5213 Villnachern
+41 79 324 17 00


Römisch-Katholische Kirchgemeinde Egg/ZH
Flurstrasse 10, 8132 Egg/ZH
+41 43 277 20 20


Römisch-Katholische Kirche St. Franziskus
Bachtelstrasse 13, 8123 Ebmatingen (ZH)
+41 44 980 19 90


Dr Arch. Cristina Polo Lopez
SUPSI - University of applied sciences and arts of southern Switzerland
+41 58 666 63 14

Other Information

Studerarchitekt, D. Studer, dipl. Arch. ETH SIA Hüttenmattweg 19, 5213 Villnachern

In agreement with the user

North west view after interventions ©Studer
The Roman Catholic St. Franziskus Ebmatingen Church is emission-free after the energetic renovation in 2018/19. Although the building is not under heritage protection, represents a very valid example of a restructuring and energetic refurbishment of a historic building, evocation of the buildings of the movement modern in Switzerland and with interior design elements worthy of preservation, such as some stained glass windows, the altar, and particular furnishing elements of the building. Thanks to significantly improved roof insulation, the solar-powered geothermal heat pump, the use of solar heat with 161 m2 of photovoltaic thermal modules (PVT) and the LED lighting the church is a plus-Energy-Building with an energy supply of 221%. In fact, the parish of Ebmatingen manages to operate its church in a completely climate-neutral way. For this concept in combination with the architecturally outstanding implementation, the project has been awarded in 2019 with the Swiss and European Solar Prize. The jury justified its decision with the fact that the combination of old and new is well implemented
51,1 kWh/m2.y

Klimazone Cfb

Höhe über dem Meer 478 m ü.d.M.

Heizgradtage 189

Kühlgradtage 0

Unterschutzstellung nicht geschützt


Stufe der Unterschutzstellung:

Baualter 1980-present

Letzte Sanierung:

Vorhergehende Sanierungen:

Gebäudenutzung Religious

zusätzliche Nutzung:

Discontinuous occupancy (i.e. holiday home)

Anzahl der Bewohner/Nutzer:

Gebäudefläche Nettogeschossfläche [m²]: 1420,0


Anzahl der Stockwerke:

Keller ja/nein:

Anzahl der beheizten Stockwerke:

Bruttogeschossfläche [m²]:

Thermische Gebäudehülle [m²]:

Volumen [m³]:

NGF Berechnungsmethode:
SIA (ch)

Brick masonry wall

Plastered walls

Plastered (on hard)

Pitched roof

North west view after interventions ©Studer
North west view after interventions ©Studer
North front after interventions ©Studer
North front after interventions ©Studer
South east view after interventions ©Studer
South east view after interventions ©Studer
East facade after interventions ©Studer
East facade after interventions ©Studer
View from garden after interventions ©Studer
View from garden after interventions ©Studer
North facade after interventions ©Studer
North facade after interventions ©Studer
Roof edges after interventions ©Studer
Roof edges after interventions ©Studer
Roof after interventions ©Studer
Roof after interventions ©Studer
North west front before interventions ©Studer
North west front before interventions ©Studer
East front before interventions ©Studer
East front before interventions ©Studer
South front before interventions ©Studer
South front before interventions ©Studer
Roof before interventions ©Studer
Roof before interventions ©Studer
Stained glass window by Fra Roberto © Wikipedia,  Creative Commons CC0 License
Stained glass window by Fra Roberto © Wikipedia, Creative Commons CC0 License
Altar,  Georg Malin © Wikiedia,  Creative Commons CC0 License
Altar, Georg Malin © Wikiedia, Creative Commons CC0 License
Baptismal fountain by Georg Malin, © Wikiedia,  Creative Commons CC0 License
Baptismal fountain by Georg Malin, © Wikiedia, Creative Commons CC0 License
Bell tower, © Wikiedia,  Creative Commons CC0 License
Bell tower, © Wikiedia, Creative Commons CC0 License




St. Franziskus Church has been erected in 1989 and extended in 2008. This church is representative of both the modern architectural movement in the Canton of Zurich and the Swiss ecclesiastical architecture. The church building from 1989 based on the criteria of functionality and new aesthetic concepts of modern movement, was a rectangular hall church with a particular gable roof. In 2008, the enlargement of the hall and side rooms has been still very well developed to sets the same architectural accent, where the materials and the elegance of the building system is subordinated to the usefulness of the building and its collective and social layout. The sense of proportions, the width of the openings, and the structure as an instrument of "architectural expression", have not been changed in any way. The load-bearing skeleton of the reinforced concrete building which eliminates the function of the load-bearing walls, allows large open spaces with "free plan and facades" while maintaining the large glazed and ribbon surfaces with a series of horizontal and vertical elements, buffered at will, both with insulating walls and with transparent frames. The concrete steeple, built by the same architect as the church, stands out through its concrete material and its cubic shape and houses two bells that were cast in the H. Rüetschi bell foundry in Aarau.
Städtebaulicher Kontext
The church is located on the outskirts of Ebmatingen / Maur ZH, on Katonsstrasse and with a view of the entire valley. Behind the church is a residential area with 2-storey and 3-storey buildings from the same era as the church itself: approx. 1980-1990.


Erhaltungszustand der Gebäudehülle
The Roman Catholic Church of St. Francis Ebmatingen, built in 1989 following the principles of the modern movement, urgently needed renovation. The bad conditions of the roof indicated the experts the need to be renovated and the owner of the building decided to energetically renovate the building. For these reason the implementation of a solar system integrated into the roof (photovoltaic and thermal photovoltaic) with an innovative solution combined with other strategies and technical solutions for improve the overall energy efficiency of the building have been taken into account. The choice has also been motivated to give a signal to the community towards a more sustainable and respectful society with the environment. The old windows had double glazing, which had reached the end of their lifespan at almost 30 years. The roof was leaking in places and was no longer properly insulated. The lighting in the church was also around 30 years old and used too much electricity.
Haustechnische Anlagen vor Sanierung
Most of the technical installations come from the first construction stage, especially the oil heating system from 1989. The average heating oil consumption was around 7,000 liters per year. The heating system needed to be replaced and had to be replaced by an environmentally friendly new heating system.


The building itself is part of the buildings of the movement modern in Switzerland, although if not protected. The historical value of this building is mainly found in objects of specific value within it. These are mainly the windows and the altar created as a cubic block of marble, under which are the relics of St Francis of Assisi. Some glasses are masterpieces of this ecclesiastical building. Additionally during the refurbishment, particular attention has been given to the replacement of window's glasses of the modern movement (using existing frames) and developing of roof details.
Denkmalwert und wie er bestimmt wurde
Although the building is not under heritage protection, represents a very valid example of a restructuring and energetic refurbishment of a historic building, evocation of the buildings of the movement modern in Switzerland and with interior design elements worthy of preservation, such as some stained glass windows in the main hall, the altar, and particular furnishing elements of the building. The church from 1989, mentioned in the Wikipedia database as part of Swiss modern movement buildings, has built by architect Bert Allemann and designed by the well-known artist and interior designer and sculptor from Liechtenstein, Georg Malin. Architect Bert Allemann is founder of the architectural firm Glaus Allemann and Partner (GAP) Architekten of Zürich, in partnership with Otto Glaus that worked in the Parisian studio of Le Corbusier in the years 1937-38. They were close to artists Mario Comensoli (one of the most important exponents of pictorial realism) and the interior designer and sculptor Georg Malin, mentioned before. Georg Malin opened the altar area in the church and directed it towards the gathered community. Behind the presbytery there is a stained glass window that introduces the sun into the church (stained glass window by Fra Roberto), where the hymn of the sun is printed with deep and dark tones in the lower part that lighten as they reach out towards the center, and symbol of a spiritual unity. Other items of interior decoration are also of interests. (Reference: Georg Malin: Zur Innenausstattung, in: Römisch-katholische Kirchgemeinde Egg ZH (Hrsg.): Einweihung der Kirche St. Franziskus und Glockenweihe. S. 14) Due all these aspects, the approach to the interventions was guided by the awareness of integrating the interventions without proposing works that would change their aesthetic-architectural characteristics. Building commission and church maintenance were involved in the process of refurbishment.

Ziel der Sanierung

The Roman Catholic Church of St. Francis Ebmatingen, built in 1989, urgently needed renovation. Old windows, roof roof was leaking in places and not weel insulated
Was the intervention planned following a step-by-step approach?
The first step has been an energetical analisys of the building and then building commission and church maintenance decided the type of refurbishment.
Gewonnen Erkenntnisse / besondere Erfahrungen
The heat pumps and geothermal boreholes are invisible to the users, but indispensable to the construction professionals of an innovative technology that manifests itself primarily as a new type of roof in the St. Francis church in Ebmatingen. Not the builder of a special roof, but only the designer of the entire system, an intelligent synergy of technology and building, will change architecture for the long term.
Beteiligte Akteure
Römisch-Katholische Kirchgemeinde
Flurstrasse 10, 8132 Egg/ZH
Tel.+41 44 980 19 90
Daniel Studer-Studer Architekten
Hüttenmattweg 19, 5213 Villnachern
Tel.+41 79 324 17 00
Winsun AG
Beeschi Mattenstrasse 2, 3940 Steg CH
Tel.+41 52 212 27 00
Dr. Niklaus Haller, BS2 AG
Brandstrasse 33, 8952 Schlieren, CH
Tel.+41 44 275 25 09
Marlon Keller, W+P Engineering AG
Zweierstrasse 129, 8003 Zürich
Tel.+41 44 454 10 64
Eingesetzte Software/Berechnungstools
Folgte die Sanierung einer spezifischen Methode? SIA
Energiebilanz SIA 380/1
Hygrothermische Bewertung No
Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) No
Anderes -



Wood and Aluminium-wood frame widows

Wood and Aluminium-wood frame widows

Building windows are divided into two categories: windows of historical and artistic value and windows of the modern movement.

Windows of artistic value, i.e. those with stained glass, have not been replaced. The modern movement windows, which are located in secondary spaces of the church, have kept the original frame, but have replaced the 30 year old insulated glass with new triple glazing. In this way the energy performance is greatly improved. Although there are no protection parameters, it was decided to leave the current window frames, so as to maintain the same appearance as before.

Bestandsfenster U-Wert Glas [W/m2K]: 2,6 Neues Fenster U-Wert Glas [W/m2K]: 0,7 Bestandsfenster U-Wert Rahmen [W/m2K]: 2,6 Neues Fenster U-Wert Rahmen [W/m2K]: 2,6
Mehr Details
Fenstertyp Bestand Casement window
Verglasungsart Bestand Double
Verschattung Bestand Outer shutter
Ungefähres Einbaujahr 1989
Neuer Fenstertyp Double window
Verglasungsart des neuen Fensters Triple
Verschattung des neuen Fensters Outer shutter
Neuer Energiedurchlassgrad g [-] 0,47

Weitere Maßnahmen



Introduction of a new sustainable energy system on the roof due to the bad conditions of the previous roof. The interior finishes have been fully maintained.

The solar system complies with many of the geometric and spatial and construction compatibility criteria required by current regulations for the integration of solar systems in historic buildings (grouping, coplanarity with the roof slope, respect for the eaves lines and roof edge, joint precision, etc.). The aesthetic, material and color compatibility with the existing roof is optimal becouse respect the original color of the roof. The reflection rate is higher with respect to the original roof tile that has been replaced. The final result is very good and well integrated.

U-Wert (vor Sanierung) [W/m2K] 0.26 U-Wert (nach Sanierung) [W/m2K] 0,12
Mehr Details
Aufbau Bestandsdach
Tiles - Traditional tiles:
50 mm
Other - Battens and counter battens:
70 mm
Other - Wood board:
20 mm
Other - Insulation:
120 mm
Other - Wood board:
30 mm
Aufbau saniertes Dach
Tiles - Photovoltaic tiles_Eternit Integral II type :
10 mm
Other - Battens and counter battens:
70 mm
Other - Wood board:
20 mm
Other - Air:
50 mm
Other - Wood board:
20 mm
Other - Insulation (two layers with wood board in the middle):
260 mm
Other - Wood board:
30 mm





Most of the technical installations come from the first construction stage, especially the oil heating system from 1989. The average heating oil consumption was around 7,000 liters per year. The heating system needed to be replaced and had to be replaced by an environmentally friendly new heating system. For these reason a geothermal heat pump system were introduced for the building heating instead the old oil boiler.

Together with the experts involved, the building commission had different variants for the heating replacement have been tested. The building commission and church maintenance unanimously recommended the present project with geothermal probe heat pump heating and combined photovoltaic thermal system (power generation, thermal regeneration of the earth in the probe area, room cooling) and at the same time to carry out the structural renovation. The Windows in the old part of the building received a new, modern, better insulating glazing, as a replacement for the old glazing, which has replaced the end of the had reached the end of its life span. The heat losses through the glass could thus be reduced to about one third, which will have a positive effect on heating costs. It also improves the comfort of the rooms.

Mehr Details
Heizungssystem nach Sanierung zusätzliches Heizungssystem nach Sanierung
Art der Heizung Heat pump Solar thermal
Brennstoff Electricity Solar
Wärmeverteilung Partly radiator, partly floorheating Partly radiator, partly floorheating
Nennleistung 20 kW 70 kWp kW

A previous electric boiler has been replaced by a boiler connected to the heating system (solar thermal and geothermal heat pump).

Together with the experts involved, the building commission had different variants for the heating replacement have been tested. The building commission and church maintenance unanimously recommended the present project with geothermal probe heat pump heating and combined photovoltaic thermal system (power generation, thermal regeneration of the earth in the probe area, room cooling) and at the same time to carry out the structural renovation. The Windows in the old part of the building received a new, modern, better insulating glazing, as a replacement for the old glazing, which has replaced the end of the had reached the end of its life span. The heat losses through the glass could thus be reduced to about one third, which will have a positive effect on heating costs. It also improves the comfort of the rooms.

Mehr Details
Brauchwarmwasserbereitung nach Sanierung
Typ with heating system
Brauchwasserspeicher Ja
Wärmerückgewinnung aus Brauchwasser Nein






PVT-system on the pitched roof (south-side). Module type: Eternit Integral II_190Wp_GG-L_BS2 spezial. 135 standard + 9 special

The solar solar thermo-photovoltaic (PVT) system is well integrated in the complex surface of the existing roof. It complies with the geometric and spatial and construction compatibility criteria required by current regulations for the integration of solar systems in historic buildings (grouping, in the same plane with the roof slope, respect for the eaves lines and roof edge, joint precision, etc.). The aesthetic, material and color compatibility with the existing roof is optimal because respect the original color of the roof. The reflection rate is slightly higher with respect to the original roof tile that has been replaced. The final result is very good and well integrated

The roof areas are completely covered with the solar modules. The same modules with only slightly varied connection details could be used both for the roof with the conventional in-roof photovoltaic system and for the roof with the PVT system (photovoltaic and thermal). The technically and functionally different roof surfaces have an almost identical appearance. The roof edges at the site and at the eaves are also identical, so that a very uniform architectural design results.

Mehr Details
SolarThermal System
Type PV-T
Collector area 170,0 m²
Elevation angle 17,0
Azimuth 185,0
Overall yearly production 41776,0 kWh
Heating_contribuition 41776,0 kWh
DHW contribuition 0,0 kWh
Cooling contribuition 0,0 kWh

PV-system on the pitched roof (north-side). Module type: Eternit Integral II_190Wp_GG-L. 328 standard + 5 special

The solar BIPV system is well integrated in the complex surface of the existing roof. It complies with the geometric and spatial and construction compatibility criteria required by current regulations for the integration of solar systems in historic buildings (grouping, in the same plane with the roof slope, respect for the eaves lines and roof edge, joint precision, etc.). The aesthetic, material and color compatibility with the existing roof is optimal because respect the original color of the roof. The reflection rate is slightly higher with respect to the original roof tile that has been replaced. The final result is very good and well integrated.

The roof areas are completely covered with photovoltaic modules. The same modules with only slightly varied connection details could be used both for the roof with the conventional in-roof photovoltaic system and for the roof with the PVT system (photovoltaic and thermal). The technically and functionally different roof surfaces have an almost identical appearance. The roof edges at the site and at the eaves are also identical, so that a very uniform architectural design results.

Mehr Details
Photovoltaic System
Type Monocrystaline
Collector area 543,0 m²
Total nominal power 90,0 kW
Elevation angle 17,0
Azimuth 5,0
Overall yearly production 78881,0 kWh
Heating contribuition 6813,0 kW
DHW contribuition 1075,0 kW
Cooling contribuition 0,0 kW
Lighting contribuition 5029,0 kW

Introduction of 2 geothermal probes type NHWP 6-20 for heating, cooling and hot water systems.

Together with the experts involved, the building commission had different variants for the heating replacement have been tested. The building commission and church maintenance unanimously recommended the present project with geothermal probe heat pump heating and combined photovoltaic thermal system (power generation, thermal regeneration of the earth in the probe area, room cooling) and at the same time to carry out the structural renovation. The Windows in the old part of the building received a new, modern, better insulating glazing, as a replacement for the old glazing, which has replaced the end of the had reached the end of its life span. The heat losses through the glass could thus be reduced to about one third, which will have a positive effect on heating costs. It also improves the comfort of the rooms.

In addition to electricity, PV-T modules also produce 41,800 kWh / a of heat, which is conducted 300 m deep into the ground in summer. A part is recovered in winter.

Mehr Details
Geothermal System
Exchange area 900,0 m²
Overall yearly production 47000,0 kWh


Energieausweis Nein
Freiwillige Zertifikate Nein
Berechnungsmethode Steady state simulation (e.g. EPC, PHPP)
Solar price 2019

Energieverbrauch vor Sanierung 78,9 kWh/m2.y
Energieverbrauch nach Sanierung 51,1 kWh/m2.y

Berechnungsmethode Steady state simulation (e.g. EPC, PHPP)
Solar price 2019

Energieverbrauch incl Brauchwarmwasser Ja
Energieverbrauch vor Sanierung 109,25 kWh/m2.y
Energieverbrauch nach Sanierung 86,95 kWh/m2.y



The thermal comfort of the occupants were improved thanks to the new window glass insulation level and by the new heating system.

Indoor Air Quality

The energy refurbishment interventions did not bring changes in the internal climate control.


Daylight does not change compared to pre-intervention due to the original size of the openings which was determined by the existing structure. Original skylights inside the church have been kept in their original shape and finishes.

akustischer Komfort

No information.

Erhaltung von Ausstellungsstücken

The energy refurbishment interventions did not bring changes in the internal climate control.


Finanzielle Aspekte

The total investment costs for the energetic and structural renovation with innovative technology amounted to around CHF 1.2 million. All work was completed on budget and without an accident. The accounts have been presented in the church congregations.

Total investment costs
1.125 mio CHF (total)
Amount includes: Energetic renovation: all the intevnetions including honorarium and fees

Cost of energy related interventions:
1.125 mio CHF (total)
Amount includes: Energetic renovation: all the intevnetions including honorarium and fees
Total annual energy cost
- 2500 CHF (total)

Annual heating cost
ca 2'000.- CHF (total)
(includes DHW) Ja

Annual electricity cost
No costs - ownconsumption from PV-PVT (total)

Lifecycle cost

Lifecycle documents:


Methodology_used: The methodology is according to SIA, KBOB and ecoinvent regulations. It includes everything: services, operation, maintenance, transport

emissions_at_use_stage_before_intervention: 67.2 ton total
emissions_at_use_stage_after_intervention: -87.5 ton total
emissions_before_use: NA
Building_Lifetime: 30